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Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Time Traveler's Wife

Six months have gone by since I have read the book but never posted my thoughts on it. It's the visual effects (saw the movie this morning) I guess which has inspired me to finally pen down my thoughts way before my average time!

The Time Traveler's Wife is a brilliant book by Audrey Niffenegger. I am kinda spellbound to Audrey's creativity and imagination. This book definitely is my kinda read, in one plot she has beautifully managed to strike an awesome balance of all the shades of life!

The 2009 movie with the same title made by Robert Shwentke does 100% justice to the author's creativity. The director has covered almost everything from the book except some incidences were missing from here and there. BTW I have learnt to forgive directors for not putting every page of the book into the movie ;P

I would strictly recommend that one should read the book before watching the movie otherwise the viewer is likely to get lost while tracing the 518 pages of the book in those 107 minutes of the reel. Also, there is a lot of back n forth frames so one may not be able to understand whats happening. 

Overall a brilliant book and a good movie combo, provides immense food for thought and opens a big channel of fantasy!

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