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Friday, June 3, 2011

:-) ? :-( ? Emoticon crisis!

Uttib had called on the first day and informed that she'll visit in the evening. She sounded horribly drunk but that couldn't possibly be true since she's a teetotaler. I kind sensed that something's was wrong but then she denied and I agreed to her denial!

Meanwhile, my ship of hope was sinking daily. My loan sanction letter was getting stuck at every possible level and thus delaying me application and that was kinda killing me. I was growing awfully indifferent and had lost myself in back to back episodes of Heroes. I was in no mood to speak or listen. Even Bammi noticed the change in me. These day chatting with him has become a part of the routine, if I don't talk to him the day does seem incomplete. This time I wasn't in the car(destiny) forget about being at the drivers seat. I hate process delays and there wasn't anything that I could do about it. In fact I was scared that my meddling will worsen the results. I was also horribly followed up by Bapu for the status which was kinda annoying under such circumstances. 

I am happy that finally my ship has left the shore, I am not sure what it's gonna be, eh? I am positive though! Things were dramatic but ultimately all's well that ends well. Finally bapu's got what he was waiting for almost over an year now. Thankfully his efforts and his resources have paid back. Honestly, maa had lost all her hopes and  bapu's were kinda sinking too! 

I am sad for Uttib, yet again she chose the wrong man and has been left heartbroken. She's been betrayed by not only one man but by series of folks from her inner circle of trust. I was glad to be there for her, I was surprised that in my punctured mindset I could be of some help to her. It was also surprising revelation that how much I mean to her. How easily she could open up to me. She almost had tears when she admitted my judgement of people and situations. She said that she would listen to me but she won't and I know that. She is yet to outgrow her infatuation with the rowdys and ghatys and thus this time I said nothing more than some comforting words. I know, I should not have give up hope on her but I did, long time back. She's already crossed my i-told-you-so meter's limits! Bapu's been hanging in the middle of nowhere and thats very alarming. I only wish and hope that things do get better in his life soon. I seek his support for some more time and then I'll be ready to support him for the lifetime(hope so at least) (provided if he needs).

The consultancy took me sign on the consent form, I kinda disliked that especially since I will be violating many of the clauses. If all goes well then I'll surely payback after all they kinda helped. I am not in best of mindsets but I am hanging onto an invisible thread of positivity and hope. I am doing just fine.

I love  MJ's you are not alone in such situations. Does everything has to decode to love and relationship? There are things beyond all that!

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