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Monday, May 9, 2011

like a band-aid!


Once again the manipulative bitch has sneaked in my life. No matter how much I try to keep my arse out of this crap, I somehow manage to drag myself into it. Last time, it was her wedding invite this time it was friends request on a social networking site. I was pi**ed instantaneously. I sat patiently wondering what to do? I could either accept or decline her request, so simple, isn't it? It actually ain't so simple for me hence few futile minutes later I simply left my computer. My last four yeas started flashing in front of my eyes. 

Finally, I decided to decline the request. I accepted the request instead! I was not happy with what I had done. So, I removed her from my friend list and closed the chapter. Until, I received one more request from her. This time I simply ignored it. Took my own sweet time to respond. I thought and re thought over that mellow dramatic saga. While retrospecting, I subtly realized that she who mattered once doesn't mean a thing now. However she did mean something at some point of time. For every good, bad and ugly treatment of hers she deserves to be in the friends list. 

This whole manipulative bitch chapter of my life is a lot happening yet very depressing piece of me. I was sick and tired of hiding it in my closet. So, here I am embracing it with arms wide open and with a smile (naah, not filmy style). There were people, there were issues and I was involved. I am out of it and now it's just another part of my past. I think I have passed the haterade phase of my life over this issue. It was a year old wound hidden beneath the band-aid. I am glad that I could finally rip off the band-aid to realise that my wound has healed perfectly without leaving any scar behind!
P.S. realized that life is ephemeral and fragile to deal with grudges, hence ignorance. We can never be best of buddies but I find no harm in being cordial.

On a very serious note, 
haso, muskurao, kya pata kal ho naa ho?

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