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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Mr. Sunshine... Sunrise in progress!

Chandler Bing is back to the television world with a full time role of Ben Donovan in his home production Mr. Sunshine!

Mr. Sunshine is based around the Sunshine Center, a second-tier arena in San Diego. Ben Donovan is the general manager of the arena, he's been associated with the place for last 10 years. Ben's 40 and he’s a gloomy, self-absorbed loner. Ben is well equipped to deal with whims and fancies of the arena owner Crystal, a crazy, narcissistic and pill-popping woman. Thus practically running the place all by himself. Ben has also been dragged into rebuilding Crystal's relationship with her naive but good for nothing son Roman. Roman has been appointed as assistant to Ben, replacing his old lunatic but pretty assistant Heather. Ben's been in an on and off relation with Alice the marketing lady. Alice ends her friends with benefits relation with Ben to be exclusive with  Alonzo. Alonzo is a former NBA player and is an absolute optimist. Mr. Sunshine is about twists and turns of these characters often leading to laughter.

Matthew Perry has created a huge impact on all of our minds through his portrayal of Chandler Bing in Friends. It indeed is a great deal to create a bigger impact with his new role. So far in last three episodes of Mr. Sunshine, you see tremendous efforts from him to move out of the shadow of his previous successful role. However, every now and then you will see glimpse of the previous character, may be thats the real Matthew Perry. I don't believe in judging a book by it's cover so I am definitely going to carry on reading, in this case watching the show. The idea of sports and entertainment arena for the workplace is refreshing and potential, lets just wait and watch how it turns out to be in execution. I somehow was constantly getting the 30 Rock feeling while watching it, there were way too many similarities. If thats true then Mr. Sunshine is lacking the strong and powerful leadership of Jack Donaghy for sure!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Kitten ^_^

He's always been a cat lover!

Sometimes he's so annoying that you'll feel like shooting him first and then to yourself. Sometimes he's so adorable that sugar and honey can borrow sweetness from him. Sometimes he spends like he owns the world. Sometimes he deserves a noble prize for misery. In short, he is the extremist! There is nothing like a midway, nothing can be normal when he's around. Love him, hate him but you can't ignore him!

So, last night he was fooling around with his new kitten. As I mentioned earlier, he possesses the special ability to annoy anyone, even to the dead ones, eh? The poor kitten had to use it's paw and sharp claws..grrrr...  Post kitten's revenge, he had to run to the physiologist for the shot.

The whole day he kept humming the same tune repetitively over numerous calls. He was holding the kitten in his arms while he was boring me. It was the melancholy cry from the kitten that reassured me that I wasn't alone in this. So foolish of me to think that he would have learnt his lesson. This is exactly what happens to you when you are loved by an incorrigible cracked pot ;)

Pink Champagne...

All my life I've been good but now what the hell!!!

Nah! I am just kidding that was just a line from Avril's new chart. I am still good and hope to be all my life.

I am an astute drink enthusiast, I love trying new stuff. I don't drink to get high and fall off to sleep, I drink to relish the the uniqueness of every drink. I love the way alcohol taste lingers on your taste buds. I am fascinated by the vapors those dissolve in the thin air while you are pouring the drink.

Thanks to the social media stint, I now know li'l bit about the alcohol space, the biggies and the niche items. Once, my ex boss told me about the 80 - 20 rule, around 80% of the sales in alcohol space is of 20% of the products, those which have been associated with big brands, distributed and marketed internationally. There are still 80% of the products which constitute to the 20% of the sales. These products are often regional favorites and I strongly believe that most of them are potential enough to be a part of good times globally. It's just that their existence is limited to very small population. Thus, most us have to make peace with only 20% of the magic!

Champagne!!!  something that I am yet to taste but what makes it even more special is that I am very very keen about tasting Pink Champagne. May it be 'An affair to remember' or 'Glee', I think universe is trying to push me forward for my desire to raise a glass of Pink Champagne!

Missing Cougar Town...

Cougar town is yet another sitcom that I am hooked to. Courtney Cox plays her age in her home production. It's a story of a lady and her group of friends(inclusive of her ex husband and her college going son) and their non stop tickling banter. They all are always sipping wine, except poor Trav. The cat fights between Eli and Lorry and the loouuuve between Bobby and Andy are the highlights of the show. Sometime's you really feel pity for Grayson for being part the maddening mayhem that Jules drags him to. I love to see Tom's struggle for inclusion in the mad gang and Trav's efforts to be a good son and also to be a grown up at the same time. It's hilarious when Barb and Jules are in the frame. If you are a die hard fan of Friends then I am sure you'll love CT as well... It's so much fun and nostalgia when the stars from the make guest appearances!

CT is fun and there are no two thoughts about it, but the main reason for it's admiration that there is no negative character. It's the only show where I have seen the exs n currents, witty n dumb living in peace and harmony. This show really epitomizes the true togetherness and the loved one's of this era, who'll stand by you no matter what!

If you have lost track of know who's who, you have to watch this show :P

Friday, February 25, 2011

So Chicken of me!

Till when can you call somebody as your friend???

Eww and Dirty Pig have been in my life for long time now. I have shared some of the lighter moments of my life with both of them separately. When together, both of them need me more than myself and the rest of the world for those moment (li'l exaggerated may be)!

My life was parallel to each of their's till everything was stable, ordinary and normal in a very frustrating manner. Eww is happy and excited about her future life, she not only figured out her destination but also has started her journey too. My best wishes for all her future endeavors.

DP is stable and still trying to figure out her destination. DP expects me to be with her in every step and every decision and may be is pissed with me for bailing out. I on the other hand, have tried to help her in almost all possible ways. Perhaps being with her till last breath and reassuring her of her choices, preventing her from choking out is what she expects out of me. Had I been of the other gender or had both of us been homos I would have married her. Love wouldn't have been the base but trust and companionship would have been the pillars and I am sure our marriage would have worked.

I feel bad for DP, especially when I know exactly what she feels. I hate the fact that she is constantly missing out on all possible glittery moments of her life. She has been failing to identify that one eternal crazy destination to chase and this for sure has started to show up on a lot of things, her deteriorating health for that matter.

 I may have been selfish with a lot of people that I don't care about but I have never been selfish with my people. Thus,when I can't be true always, need to pretend, feel distant and have to try hard to carry on I just don't hang in there I chicken out! It may not be normal but I like to miss out on things which would have been worsened by my presence. If I can't hold it together then I don't want to be there to see it fall apart either, this whole I'll always be there for you seems so rubbish at times!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Manipulative Bitch!

This day has been turning out to be one of those horrendous days of my life when everything seems to be falling apart. First thing first, I woke up  almost 4 hours later than my usual time. As soon as I opened my email inbox there it was - A Wedding Invitation!!!! Invitation from the person I used to hate the most in this entire world - the manipulative bitch! To add on, had a fight with ma on the dining table and I am still without food and extremely grumpy...

This manipulative bitch, is one of those darker people of my life whom I am constantly trying to bury deep inside my secret closet. I have paid some hefty amount to get rid of her, and I hate it when her shadows cross my way. I am ignorant about her existence in this world until she tries to sneak in to my life. At one point I hated her the most, however now I really don't know because I don't feel anything about her...

I for sure was upset when I saw the email but not because she is getting married but because it was her writing me, another way of sneaking in to my life. Leaving all the bitterness aside I was happy for both of them. In my response, I congratulated the couple, avoiding any further communication/miscommunication and I closed my inbox. Next time when I checked my mailbox, there was a response to my email to the couple! In my haste to get over with it, I just read the insistence on attending the wedding and without any thoughts I politely declined the invitation not realizing it was the beau who had written to me. I simply hit the reply tab instead of reply all and thus have paved path for many mis-communications!

Finally, I don't give a tiny rat's ass to this further. I hope that this was the full and final interaction with the manipulative bitch. I really wish her luck and happiness for all her future endeavors in life, hope she keeps off my life forever!

ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 : Now or Never!

I am nervous! 
Every risky ball, takes my breath away. If all goes well, then this is my last World Cup in India.
And I want India to bring home the trophy more than ever before. I know it's just the game and anything can happen but what do I do with my heart?
After all, I have been a crazy cricket fan all my life and this tournament is the now or never deal for me. If we won't be able to make it this time then I shall give up on cricket forever as long as I live.
No matter what happens with me n cricket, one man I will always adore, respect and truly believe in is master blaster Sachin Tendulkar!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Inspiring story of a brave woman : Sindhutai Sapkal

"Could you please stop watching that crappy nonsense over n over again!", I yelled with my mouth full. These days, I hate to watch Television. Especially when I am on the dining table, and my incorrigible mom goes on and on with her nonstop regional daily soaps. "It's not a daily soap!" mom snapped back. "Oh! then it must be some stupid reality show or some fixed talent hunt?" my response. "No, silly it's AVG's new talk show called Khupte tithe Gupte!" cooler response this time.

AVG (Avadhoot Gupte) is the ultimate Marathi Rockstar! I have been his fan ever since I was 10. The sheer mention of AVG stopped me from shutting down the TV.  There were two people sitting on sofa chair across AVG, and just like any other chat show the host was chitchatting with them. One of the two guests was veteran actor Vikram Gokhale and there was a lady in the next seat. Immediately, my mind started scanning for that lady and to my surprise I couldn't recognize her. So, I assumed that the show involved a celebrity and may be a common man/woman. The woman was talking about something... some incident where she was sitting on the door of some cabinet lady minister and their conversation in broken, rural, Marathi accented Hindi. It was the tone of her voice that definitely belonged to somebody with great deeds. This was my very first glimpse of the Mother of Orphans!

As, the show progressed, I was getting more and more curious about knowing details of her and her area of work. She definitely was somebody big, big by her deeds towards the welfare of mankind. Those few minutes of the show left me with curiosity and a name - Sindhutai Sapkal!

I literally jumped on my comp seat and googled Sindhutai Sapkal. I was amazed with the number of results available on the internet about 74000. I went through alot of links, I even watched couple of clips on her. 
Sindhutai Sapkal aka Mother of Orphans is a Marathi social worker and Social activist, predominantly known for raising orphan children.

Nicknamed "Chindhi" she was an unwanted daughter from a very poor family. She as married at the age of 9, thus all education that she could manage was standard 4. At the age of 20, she was abandoned by her husband with an infant child practically like an orphan. She donated her biological daughter to a trust, in order to avoid partiality. Till date she has raised thousands of very well educated(Doctors, lawyers, teachers, social workers) children, who were once mere 'orphans' abandoned in the society.

Nothing but the enigmatic charisma of her which make her so inspirational for most of us. Especially women, who are scared of society, people and their perception. when there wasn't roof on her head, she spent her nights in cemetery since even the mightiest of men were scared of the one's who rest in peace over there. She truly epitomizes the fact that victory lies ahead of our fears!

I hope one day, I will be able to contribute something to her extremely altruistic work. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

Love, love, love...

Love, love, love…
It was just the begining
And yet it reached an ending
To consider it a start or an end
Question that haunts all around
I broke myself to million pieces
Just to get some lucky glimpses
Isolated the heart from the world
To be around someone warm and cold
Lost a life that once was mine
Stranger I am in my owned time
Dreams of tomorrow and forever
Reality of no-one and nowhere
Lost in my mirror, the smile fades
High with hopes,  the tear invades
I hide down the alley, darkest corner
Hazy comes every picture taken together
Hunting begins with zeal
Search for the lost soul
I embark upon a journey
Journey to find myself
It’s not me that brought in the zeal
It’s love, that still believes in me
I may never find it pure
But it exists in the world for sure
Love, love, love...