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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Missing Cougar Town...

Cougar town is yet another sitcom that I am hooked to. Courtney Cox plays her age in her home production. It's a story of a lady and her group of friends(inclusive of her ex husband and her college going son) and their non stop tickling banter. They all are always sipping wine, except poor Trav. The cat fights between Eli and Lorry and the loouuuve between Bobby and Andy are the highlights of the show. Sometime's you really feel pity for Grayson for being part the maddening mayhem that Jules drags him to. I love to see Tom's struggle for inclusion in the mad gang and Trav's efforts to be a good son and also to be a grown up at the same time. It's hilarious when Barb and Jules are in the frame. If you are a die hard fan of Friends then I am sure you'll love CT as well... It's so much fun and nostalgia when the stars from the make guest appearances!

CT is fun and there are no two thoughts about it, but the main reason for it's admiration that there is no negative character. It's the only show where I have seen the exs n currents, witty n dumb living in peace and harmony. This show really epitomizes the true togetherness and the loved one's of this era, who'll stand by you no matter what!

If you have lost track of know who's who, you have to watch this show :P

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