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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I 'm missin' ...

The worst thing about not living in a big city is the lack of eating joints, to be specific the brands. Heres my list of I am missing - the fun of living in a big city:

  1. Mc. Donalds - burger n fries
  2. Subway - Sub of the day (meatballs on tuesdays)
  3. Cold cuts - Sausages n Salamis
  4. Ease in entering a wine shop
  5. Comfort of roaming in shorts and capris
Rest life is at peace though not rocking but worth living without any addictions ;-)

Total Cut Off

Strange but a fact that I can totally cut off from the world. For no fault of mine I have kinda placed myself in exile and I am kinda enjoying it too. I am not psychic expert hence have no explanation for my psychic but I think life  has taught me to be like this, not sure when, how and why but I am programmed like that.

I love sharing nice things, joy and progress with people around me and I hate to admit that I have no such thing happening around may be this because of my present, though I am people's person but I am in to a total cut off zone of world!

Adorable - Bobby Chinn

My addiction to discovery travel n living has introduced me to this half Egyptian, half Chinese chef named Bobby Chinn. Bobby is cute n adorable to the core. On World Cafe Asia you will not only see him discovering the flavours of Asia but also flirting adorably with most of the elderly Asian women.... Most of the time he is like this funny clown who makes the recipes so simple that they appear a cake's walk for any amature cook.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


I was waiting  patiently in a corridor of a humongous old Government building. I was looking different slightly older version of mine with drastic changes. Maa and a couple of family friends stood silent behind me.
A lady followed by a group of lawyers was approaching towards me. I was looking hopefully at her. She came n stood next to me. "Congrats!" is the only word I remember. An infant, a small baby may be 6-7 months old was handed over to me.

Suddenly I realised the ambiance just to figure out that I was waiting outside the courtroom for the final results of my adoption application. i had adopted this baby girl.

The officials were completing the formalities while I was staring in the blue eyes of this angel who would be my baby, my daughter here afters. The clerk who was completing the written formalities asked me for baby's name, Shloka, Rhea and million names crossed my mind but the only word that came out of my mouth was Anahita!

Friday, July 16, 2010

First beautiful morning...

Amazing! simply beautiful, since I am a nocturnal creature I hardly have seen the early mornings. Whenever I have seen, it was due to sheer pressure but not at my will. So practically this morning was my first beautiful morning at my own will...

Since I am a dreamer forever I am constantly chasing dreams. These days I actually have freaked out about extra burden that my bones are carrying so I am looking for a decent physique. Since my overweight issue has escalated to the highest possible order I am firm about curbing it anyhow...

The dream of descent physique did not let me sleep the whole night and I was ready for my morning exercise regiment. Honestly after my unhealthy lifestyle for last 3 years I had lost faith in myself and my stamina but today i was surprised at my stamina. I was good. This stamina has motivated me for further plan for my next couple of months...

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Pu.La... An inspiration...

The day wasn't that great and had to get up without food from the dinner table. So post dinner mercury had risen even more. The baggage of anger was very depressing and ultimately patched up with Maa.

As I was lying next to Maa, both of us got engrossed in our silly chit chat that none reasilised the ticking of the clock. Finally I confessed to Maa that I wasn't sleepy. So, ultimately both of us ended playing one of our old favrait P L Deshpande DVD in the player.

P L Deshpande AKA Pu.La is my all time fav. My first encounter with his literature was at the age of throgh my grade 4 text book. I have been reading, collecting stuff related to his literature. He was a great bundle of entertainment. This one man army is what I call the real 'Showman'...

Monday, July 12, 2010

Tata Docomo Customer Service Sucks

INR 94/- for a yearlong 12 GB of internet usage was something that kinda got me attracted towards the Tata Docomo mobile service provider. After good market feedback I finally subscribed to it...

It's been one week and hundreds of calls to customer care but I am still unable to browse internet. Seriously, the back office support sucks. The Customer care executives are bunch of idiots, forget about basic knowledge they lack language proficiency and basic manners. They are rude and absolute pain in possibly all the wrong places...

I have happily used Airtel GPRS services for last 3 years and I am still a happy Airtel subscriber. I am using Tata docomo with Nokia 2690 and struggling for GPRS settings. I am seriously fed up of this useless connection now finally tomorrow I will try visiting Tata Docomo office hopefully they will be able to solve my problems (keeping my fingers crosses).

Pouring Monsoon and Steaming Corn...

I am not a big fan of Corn but it's pouring cats and dogs outside and I crave for something hot steaming... mmmhhh.... SOMETHING...

This something could be ANYTHING like a steaming cup of coffee, a bowl of instant noodles, crispy french fries, hot potato chips or a steamed corn with little salt and paper with a dash of butter....

MMMhhhhh.... Monsoons are superb... Long live the FOODIES...

Hooked to Comedy Circus

Post first season of Laughter Challenge and Chote Miyaan, the comedy business of Indian Television appeared too stale to me. I used to change channel whenever I used to come across any comedy show but I am taken for a surprize ride by Comedy Circus, a ride full of laughter.

My honest confession, I can watch and enjoy the repeat telecasts too. The writing is fresh, punches are strong and the actors are superb. My favraits are Rajiv - Saloni, Sudesh - Krishna and VIP and Bharti. After Navjyot Singh Sidhoo, if someone i can bear laughing at every second line would be Archana Puran Singh.

So every Friday and Saturday night I always get stuck in a catch 22 situation for Comedy Circus and Dance India Dance - Li'l Masters...

The art of doing nothing!

It's almost 68 days since I am unemployed. Practically I am not doing anything. My normal routine is to get up at my will then eat or rather to hog on the cooked food and finally do nothing...

I have been doing nothing for a very long time. In the hectic work life I always wanted to spend such time. I wanted to read books, enjoy music and movies, explore places, take my family out and lots more. Honestly, nothing of this has worked out and I have seriously mastered the art of doing nothing!

Just like every other thing of this world this too has pros and cons but it's a big chipkoo attitude, needs efforts to get rid of it, so for now enjoying the art...

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Sinful Week

Lately I have been too traumatic, a female version of Devdas. Finally I am kinda have started living a less troubled life.
This week, life again started picking pace. Picking pace meant getting back to cooking, my cooking skills were again in very innovative mode this week after long long time.
The first experiment was mashed potatoes with mushrooms and garlic...
The second experiment was a homemade version of sizzling brownie...
The third experiment and most successful i.e. 150 on 100 was baked veggies...
The fourth experiment and most recent was a kinda chocolate pie which is chilling in the refridgerator, just had a bite n it's YUM...
The food was great this week and the family was totally delighted. I am too excited but I also have to be extremely careful because I am trying to shed all my extra pounds. I know it's not that easy but I have to strike the balance between the taste buds and health!

Crazy Media n Crazy World

FIFA 2010 is on, in fact we are nearing it's end it's Spain v/s Holland due for tomorrow night as finals of the mega event. The early exit of football biggies like Ronaldo, Messi, Rooney, Kaka etc. has stolen a big chunk of our daily dosage of our crazy media.

So in current scenario since the world isn't too kin about the FIFA 2010 winner our media is foccusing too much on Paul the astrologer octopus from Germany and a parrot from Singapore. These innocents unaware of their fame in the human households are living a kind of bugged life due to the media attention. I am not sure of the benefits but I am sure that their life is at stake for sure.

Seriously, we have gone completely insane. We are following almost any and every nonsense that is being served to us in a package. It's we who make a mountain out of mole and it's we who not only give birth to the vicious chain of blindbeliefs...

Weirdo Me!

I couldn’t think of a better title than this. More always it’s about none other than me. Recently I have discovered newer shades of my personality which I never thought that they exist. This great discovery happened on my recent necessity of attending a series of unsuccessful job interviews (unsuccessful ‘coz I couldn’t get through because of my egoistic but logical reasons).

I exactly know what I am doing and what I am up to but this stage in life where I am on neverland or rather no man’s land is kinda frustrating. I haven’t had a great beginning but it ain’t that bad too. People normally lack the vision and direction however, this isn’t my case I exactly know what’s correct and what’s not (not every time though, but whenever in doubt I have “BUM- my dearest friend on Planet E” to go to). The problem is I am aware but I am not doing anything about it, every interview I go to makes me feel more worth, makes me crave for that job but my rational of choosing the correct opportunity always comes on my way. I have paid a huge cost of jumping on an opportunity in hurry and in the end it has made me so choosy, I have an feeling of being elite but what to do I don’t find many worthy people around and this feeling supremacy slowly sinks in me.

My choices have taught me a lot, my mistakes have made me what I am today. Weird but that’s me!

My Cooking Idol!

The evergreen master chef Sanjeev Kapoor has been my idol for last 17 years of my life. I am following his cooking style and you'll find his influence in the food cooked by me.
This man has received tremendous fame and has made huge fortune for himself but till date his most striking feature remains his humility.
He is innovative and I don't think that he will ever run out of recipes because for almost last 2 decades he has blocked our time for Sunday morning 9am @Zee TV. His biggest achievement i feel is his sustainability. Many came after him and they fizzed out too but he came, he stayed and definitely he conquered!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

IHLS...Just another addition to the never ending love saga!

IHLS... another addition to Bollywood's never ending and ever green love saga. It's definately a one time watch. There are alot of not so cool things about this film but the coolest thing is that this movie has honesty in the screenplay and script. No villains have taken over the silver screen even in the most suseptible situations. After Wake up Sid this is another story where you see today's generation both youngesters and their parents ditto as it is in reality.

Slight over acting and not so humourous moments in this movie don't make it one of the best bollywood flicks of our time. I doubt if any future version will make spoof of IHLS. If we talk of the visuals then it's an eye candy though slightly on the brighter side but really good job done on that front. As all of us know that music aint great and contributes meagerly to the visuals. Being a huge K Jo fan and follower I wonder if K Jo is such an annoying boss as portrayed by Samir Soni, my bigger doubt will he keep such a distacted assistant? I guess no it was yet another sweet dream cutely concieved by a young director.

I hate rating movies with stars or numbers, after watching IHLS this morning I wasn't dissappointed but I wasn't amazed too! so it's definately a one time watch but if you don't catch it in nearest cinema hall then you won't miss much in life. If you love romance, you have followed all Yash Raj and Dharma Production movies, you are either Imran or Sonam fan OR you are simply a movie buff like me then this flick is waiting for you in nearest cinema hall :)