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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I love Sunday...'coz it's a BIG chicken day

As I mentioned in my last post that I had promised Imli to cook honey garlic chicken for the whole family on Sunday, I had one more important issue to focus upon Boo was supposed to come for dinner at our place. I woke up at about 11 am, messaged Boo, thankfully he replied immediately thus I learnt that he was unable to make it for the evening so I messaged Kin to carry on with his plans with Hash since he had kept those on hold to meet up with Boo. I fell asleep as soon as I received a courtesy text from Kin!

I woke up on the vibrations from me BB. It was Imli and I had overslept the lunchtime. I rushed as soon as possible and saved the grace by cooking decent honey garlic chicken. We had a nice happy family lunch at 4 pm. As soon as we were done I spent some girls time with D which was terminated abruptly with a long lost friends call(for them). The moment I entered our kitchen I went on a cooking rampage which started with cleaning shrimps for stir fry, steaming and de boning chicken for chicken mayo, shredding coleslaw stuff, cutting, cleaning and cooking cabbage with bell papers, paalak dal and finally methi pulao. As D frequently says it was an UNBELIEVABLE cookery weekend!

I spoke to Looloo Lemon for a while, we enjoyed the conversation a lot. It is always fun catching up with her in her best of moods.  We laughed and laughed for some silly things. Overall, the last weekend went well and now  back to school. 

Cook, cooker and a BIG cooker!

Last Saturday, I missed writing the day's happenings so this one's to compensate for that one.

The day was lazy as it was supposed to be the last Saturday of the holiday season but as soon as I woke up I had to rush for the bargain store as I had to return the comforter that I had bought last week. Things moved way too fast and after spending a substantial amount I returned home with a huge new comforter, two pair of jeans, couple of toys for the kids, a GUESS watch, a piggy bank two pairs of jeans and two tops. Yes, I do believe in retail therapy. It has never failed me so far!

No sooner than I was back we had to rush for the grocery shopping at Pots. Again needless to say I did spend a huge number but in my defence I did not buy a single unnecessary thing. I am blind believer of the fact that all the hardwork that we do kind of pays of in what we eat. Mind you that I had not consumed anything till late evening in fact the dinner that I ate was my first meal of the day. Anyhow, I was kind of perked up for cooking dinner. After breaking me back while de boning the chicken thighs for the boneless honey garlic chiken, I cooked 'aaloo gobhi' too. By the way the honey garlic chicken turned out so well that as soon as Malli finished his share he told me that he wishes to repeat it with fried rice at their's.

My weekend cooking saga began from Saturday and went on till Monday early morning... More to come in next post. To be continued..Ta...Da...

Saturday, January 7, 2012

The great robbery!

It's almost 2am... The day began way too early. I slept only for five hours. Kin and I had plans doing tons of thing(domestic but of course). Skyped with Louie for a while, she's in control ever since last few heavy dosages of my mental peace. The afternoon was spent in on and off discussions with D, she had a bitter fight with Malli and needed somebody to listen to her. It was nice to be her patient listener but that kind of delayed our plans for the day. Had lots of banter with Kin, called him 'batadee Gangu' which is kinda my thing with Louie. |Gosh! I miss that woman so much.

We reached BMO and opened a student account, this is because TD doesn't give a free SPC card. I like the way Kin joins almost all my schemes, it's just the way I would do for Boo. The weather outside was plesant and thus the whole walk to TC was not so bad. I checked the deals for the cell phones which I have to send back home and managed to crack an awesome deal on Nokia E73 mobile phones. I am planning to send a Google Nexus for Baapoo as a surprise from me. I know he won't like the fact that I over spent but soon he'll enjoy his BIG Touch screen phone.

Walmart was a fun shopping experience. Shopping these days is a light affair since I have driven a line on our personal consumables with Kin. We both buy what we actually want to buy without putting off the other. As usual we went overboard with our shopping baggage and all the fun of shopping was put to trial while carrying the stuff back. We both didn't have gloves thus our hands were freezing numb with the baggages. After five minutes of walk we gave up and Kin kinda grabbed this unattended/discared and kind of broken trolley from the parking lot. We were scared to the core but at the same time it was an howlarious experience. We made so much fun of each other with our endless nonsensical banter. Officially this is how we laid our hands on our FOUR wheeler without a valid licence which by the way we plan to return 'morrow back to the parking lot. I won't say it was stealing, I would say we borrowed help. They say na, 'majboori ka naam Mahatma Gandhi' something like that ;)

After we came home, I spent a couple of hours teaching the kids. H is getting better but honestly she needs to improve her attitude tremendously. Again lots of banter with D and the kids and Kin was with us on and off. I am happy and content with the crazy bunch that I am blessed with. A BIG Cheers to this family away from home!!!

Friday, January 6, 2012

I'll be always there for you!

It's 4 am already! Rembrandts I'll be there for you is playing in my head, may be 'coz I just read Boo's recent post. Gosh! I love this guy but I am kinda scared to show my concern since he's already overburdened with a lot of emotions and I like the current equation with him. If I try changing any of the constants from the current one I am pretty sure the equilibrium will go for a toss. We are always(mostly) a call away and irrespective of all said and done we'll be good friends no matter what that's kind of beauty of our relationship when we want we can be the closest of buds and otherwise. I hate to see him feel low, especially he's one person whose capabilities I have never doubted ever. I have a strong feeling that he's made for greatness and he inshallah will reach his destination one day for sure. Amen!

Just got off the phone with Zimbo. He's too keen to join my batch for all the common classes that we have and I am somehow too reluctant to do so. It's mostly wise speaking to him but I am scared of his double edgy nature. We could have been best of buddies but we never will be since I'll never be able to trust him. The conversation with him always ends on a depressing note but somehow he never achieves his mission of demotivating me instead it gets me into my zealous self to prove him wrong. Malli just walked in my room. I really like him and his better half equally. I share different rapport with both of them but the rapport with Malli is usually secretive in nature and I hate that fact but what could I do? As long as I know my journey and I keep others informed too I am good to go. Feasting on some really awesome Shawarma roll and orange juice, which has been sneaked in by Malli secretively for me. Theirs is another example which kind of puts me off from the whole big M thing. Why can't two people just be each other's soul mates and live happily ever after?

I went to Sai Mandir today with Kin and Hash. Hash is Kin's so called bff from childhood, he seemed an okay guy to me and I think we'll get along well. The line up at the temple was worse than back home but it was a pretty relieving experience for me. I have had plans of visiting forever and finally I managed a visit. On our way we saw the Lindt chocolate factory which we plan to visit soon. Sometimes Kin and I get along so well and sometimes otherwise but the only person who can manage peacefully with me is he!

Tomorrow's the last day of the break after first semester and like Kin says lots to do. We have to kill many birds tomorrow and hopefully we will. Sipping orange juice to that. Cheers!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Nachos, Cola and Movies!

Started the day very late. Kin had survived on bread and butter till I woke up way past our lunch time. Poor thing, sometimes I really appreciate his patience with me but most of the time otherwise. Cooked lavish meal and was satisfied with the happy look on Kin`s face when we ate. After the food we headed to TC for Walmart on our way went to BB to return Malli`s music player. At BB I bought a sleeve for me netbook which I plan to carry and use in the skool. Out of sheer luck managed a good deal on the sleeve, I was happy.

As soon as we started shopping in Walmart, we heard the announcement that the TC will be shutting down in 15 minutes. Thus we could not shop well but we ended up buying a set of wine glasses and other glasses with a set of frying pans. Kin was so excited about the glasses that I bought cola and planned a party for two. We came home and I made salsa for nachos, we had an expired packed of chips and Kin was way too fussy about them but in the end he ended up eating them. We inaugurated the glasses over Social Network and Inception back to back. It was fun till Malli joined us and I kind of got uncomfortable and thus that drove me to writing. Finally, this was another day which kind of went well. Looking forward to Boo`s visit to the city, planning to have him over for dinner. Oh yes, Skool reopens in four days, really looking forward to this semester. 

Girls day out!

It all began right on time, well slightly by IST but it was all good. I met Viv`s at the TC. I had checked weather update before leaving the house and it said -15 but then me being me, I left with moderate precautions that is without a hat and a scarf. My face and ears were numb in that 15 minutes of walk. I was sh**t scared about the day after that experience since we were suppose to walk in and out of stores the whole day. We met Nash at VicP and then the trio headed to the destination of the day the much talked about Orfus road.

OR is nothing great. The girls shopped a bit and thanks to Viv`s I picked up a pair of jeans for ten bucks. The whole walking in the cold without food and water was a bit challenging and thus we ended up in Yorkdale mall. Girls did Toony Tuesday and again me being me I ended up spending six more bucks on Chinese food. We were in the mall till Viv`s shopping bug came to rest, Nash was too tired and fed up with the whole tiring shopping spree that she left a couple of hours early before we both left. I wanted to go for a movie thus showed a keen interest of parting ways at Ward but then Viv`s tagged along for drug mart. Ultimately my movie bug was rested by the hour spent in the drug mart. Boo called while I was in the drug mart with a news of he visiting the city, which kinda immediately shot my mood to cloud number nine. Mind you, I actually live for that day when he`ll be in the same city as I am, since my definition of fun life is incomplete without him. However, I felt bad when he told me the real reason behind his sudden visit. His maternal grandpa had passed away, may his soul rest in peace.

When I came home, Malli was waiting for me. We chatted a bit, Kin had survived the day on all the leftovers from the fridge and thus I had too cook for myself since there were no more leftovers left in the fridge. I made upma for Malli and myself. We watched The debt over popcorns. It was a day well spent. Oh it was my Veeraa`s b`day and I could not wish her. My love and blessings are always with my girl but as you know me I am slowly detaching myself from a lot of emotional attachments off late.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

when dream comes true with closed eyes!

Neh, I have not gone lunatic. I did sleep away the whole of second day of the year. After last nights rolling in the empty bed I was up till late this morning. Viv's did call me but I had surrendered to Hypnos by then. I had texted her to postpone the day's plan to 'morrow and she readily agreed. My girlfriends are really nice.

This afternoon-
I was with Mashush, I think she took me to some consultant's office where she ''Worked''. Next I remember of volunteering for the same consultant. One odd afternoon, a typical 'Marathi maanus' walked into the office. He looked very ordinary. He sat infront of Mashush and he was asking for an assistant for himself to be hired via the consultants. I tried my 'Marathi' on him and we did click. Mashush being herself, she was least bothered. After the initial round of conversation with 'BHAU' I learnt that he was looking for basic assistance and he was willing to pay good money. Marathi employer in maple land was so thrilling that I asked Mashush if I could join him. Mashush checked with her boss and they were more than happy to let me go ;) They were earning commission of course and I was no value add to their business. My mind was blown away when I saw the offer of INR 12L per annum to be this guy's assitant. Not sure why I saw the money in INR though! I immediately did the conversion and I was quite content to receive $ 2000 monthly. Me being me I asked Bhau if he was okay hiring me and I wanted to impress him with my accolades that he's getting a great bargain  for assistant. Bhau wasn't interested in knowing my details he just told me that he has got the skills of identifying 'Go Getters'.

Next, I remember walking out of a parliament kind of a building with bhau and a typical rich Marathi lady joined us. She was bhau's better half and she pointed towards a peacock logo that was the company that the duo owned, they provided logistics and security to the VIPs. They were a multinational company serving in  six different nations, Canada being one of them. After the day one exploring the empire with Bhau and Vahini, I realised that I have landed in my dream job. I felt exactly how Figo feels about his existing job. Before I left for the Bhau informed me that I don't have to pay for my rent, food and Ttc pass now on since I can move in the company apartment, with a chauffeur driven car and meals with Bhau and family (like really?). He also asked why was I pursuing the diploma was I really keen on studying or PR. After my answer he told me that I don't have to waste baapoo's hard-earned money any more my PR papers shall arrive in a month's time. In short Bhau offered me everything that I want at this juncture of me life.

I was too sad to leave the current place but my dreams meant more than the emotions thus I parted my ways. Kin was left bamboozled. I somehow always was aware that it was just a dream since it was too good to be real.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Contagious like crazy!

As much as the title seems infectious... It's more about my craze of the celluloid. The first official day of the year was all about movies for me. I downed four movies today Polar express, Don 2, Contagion(again) and Like Crazy. All the four movies were nice, different genre and well made. I was really swooped by Don 2 since I had no expectations from it since it was the just another SRK flick but it is really brilliantly made. 

Started the new year on a sweet note with 'chahaa ani paav' it was after ages and I missed being with my crazy bunch. The only thing that I cooked today was Sheera 'coz thats kind of family tradition that we do follow. Surprisingly it turned out really good, just like aaji's which is kind of an achievement especially since the key ingredients were Canadian ;)

Looking forward to tomorrow(today technically), it's a girls day out. I like hanging out with Viv's and Nash. Kin's totally gleed, he's one crazy weirdo. I miss boo and so do I miss baapoo. My Leos are my weakness. Spoke briefly with Louie, she's all dreaming of my visit, it's always heart warming to speak to her. 
I should crash down now, since I have a long day ahead of me and I don't want to keep the girls waiting.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year 2012!

Another year that has gone by 2011. A lot has been achieved what was decided and a lot of dreams yet to be fulfilled. On and on it was one of the most fruitful years of my life. There's so much positive this year that this years balance sheet looks unbalanced with lots of credit (I learned and topped accounts this year, no?)

I thank you for being my major support this year. You have been my strength, I hope to live up to every expectation of yours even though sometimes they are bit too much for my fragile wings but I am sure I'll pull it off well. With the present support of yours you have erased all the memories of the tough times that you have put me through and I am glad that we have arrived at this beautiful milestone in our relation. You are that crippled and most sensitive piece of my heart sometimes you do cheer and sometimes you do give me the worst of all heartaches. It's okay, without you I wouldn't be what I am today and thank you for making me feel selfless at times without you I am a BIG mass of selfishness.

You're my best friend and you have been there for most of the thick and thins of my life. This year we had our differences and we had our moments. We met for a while and we parted our ways for a while, like you I also wish to wake up in 2013 to be with you one more time. I thank you all for being my friends and family for all those warm and light moments of 2011 which have acquired a full shelf in my memory lane. Thank you for being the sane, noble, friendly and cordial house mate irrespective of all the phony, corny and immature stuff that you bring along. Thank you all for some of the best moments of the skool, you all are a fun gang to hang out with. Thank you for being that family away from home, I am way too scared to lose any one of you three. I see emotions of an immediate family member in each one of you for me and trust me that means the world to me. You all are really special.

I miss you. I really do, I wish to jump back time and get things straightened up a bit but nothing can be done. May be it's really too late and we messed it up big time. At least we did something BIG even if it was a mess up. Ending my post and 2011 on a funny note called 'BIG CHICKEN' this word makes laugh every time I or somebody else says it :)