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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

when dream comes true with closed eyes!

Neh, I have not gone lunatic. I did sleep away the whole of second day of the year. After last nights rolling in the empty bed I was up till late this morning. Viv's did call me but I had surrendered to Hypnos by then. I had texted her to postpone the day's plan to 'morrow and she readily agreed. My girlfriends are really nice.

This afternoon-
I was with Mashush, I think she took me to some consultant's office where she ''Worked''. Next I remember of volunteering for the same consultant. One odd afternoon, a typical 'Marathi maanus' walked into the office. He looked very ordinary. He sat infront of Mashush and he was asking for an assistant for himself to be hired via the consultants. I tried my 'Marathi' on him and we did click. Mashush being herself, she was least bothered. After the initial round of conversation with 'BHAU' I learnt that he was looking for basic assistance and he was willing to pay good money. Marathi employer in maple land was so thrilling that I asked Mashush if I could join him. Mashush checked with her boss and they were more than happy to let me go ;) They were earning commission of course and I was no value add to their business. My mind was blown away when I saw the offer of INR 12L per annum to be this guy's assitant. Not sure why I saw the money in INR though! I immediately did the conversion and I was quite content to receive $ 2000 monthly. Me being me I asked Bhau if he was okay hiring me and I wanted to impress him with my accolades that he's getting a great bargain  for assistant. Bhau wasn't interested in knowing my details he just told me that he has got the skills of identifying 'Go Getters'.

Next, I remember walking out of a parliament kind of a building with bhau and a typical rich Marathi lady joined us. She was bhau's better half and she pointed towards a peacock logo that was the company that the duo owned, they provided logistics and security to the VIPs. They were a multinational company serving in  six different nations, Canada being one of them. After the day one exploring the empire with Bhau and Vahini, I realised that I have landed in my dream job. I felt exactly how Figo feels about his existing job. Before I left for the Bhau informed me that I don't have to pay for my rent, food and Ttc pass now on since I can move in the company apartment, with a chauffeur driven car and meals with Bhau and family (like really?). He also asked why was I pursuing the diploma was I really keen on studying or PR. After my answer he told me that I don't have to waste baapoo's hard-earned money any more my PR papers shall arrive in a month's time. In short Bhau offered me everything that I want at this juncture of me life.

I was too sad to leave the current place but my dreams meant more than the emotions thus I parted my ways. Kin was left bamboozled. I somehow always was aware that it was just a dream since it was too good to be real.

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