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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Girls day out!

It all began right on time, well slightly by IST but it was all good. I met Viv`s at the TC. I had checked weather update before leaving the house and it said -15 but then me being me, I left with moderate precautions that is without a hat and a scarf. My face and ears were numb in that 15 minutes of walk. I was sh**t scared about the day after that experience since we were suppose to walk in and out of stores the whole day. We met Nash at VicP and then the trio headed to the destination of the day the much talked about Orfus road.

OR is nothing great. The girls shopped a bit and thanks to Viv`s I picked up a pair of jeans for ten bucks. The whole walking in the cold without food and water was a bit challenging and thus we ended up in Yorkdale mall. Girls did Toony Tuesday and again me being me I ended up spending six more bucks on Chinese food. We were in the mall till Viv`s shopping bug came to rest, Nash was too tired and fed up with the whole tiring shopping spree that she left a couple of hours early before we both left. I wanted to go for a movie thus showed a keen interest of parting ways at Ward but then Viv`s tagged along for drug mart. Ultimately my movie bug was rested by the hour spent in the drug mart. Boo called while I was in the drug mart with a news of he visiting the city, which kinda immediately shot my mood to cloud number nine. Mind you, I actually live for that day when he`ll be in the same city as I am, since my definition of fun life is incomplete without him. However, I felt bad when he told me the real reason behind his sudden visit. His maternal grandpa had passed away, may his soul rest in peace.

When I came home, Malli was waiting for me. We chatted a bit, Kin had survived the day on all the leftovers from the fridge and thus I had too cook for myself since there were no more leftovers left in the fridge. I made upma for Malli and myself. We watched The debt over popcorns. It was a day well spent. Oh it was my Veeraa`s b`day and I could not wish her. My love and blessings are always with my girl but as you know me I am slowly detaching myself from a lot of emotional attachments off late.

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